Can we cure cancer by drinking water?

I am not a doctor and do not have any medical certifications. However, the information I am sharing here can be easily found on the World Wide Web (www) for free. You should decide whether what I write makes sense. If it does, it's time to conduct your own research. Be cautious, though; some information on the web is misleading. Trust your gut feeling and always ask yourself, “Does it make sense?”
I write this because one of my friends has been diagnosed with lung cancer. He is now surrounded by his MLM friends promoting their products. My friend does not have medical insurance and must manage his finances carefully. He has been led to believe that the water one of his friends is selling can cure his cancer, costing him over RM 12,000 for a system that he could obtain elsewhere for around RM 5,000 (not through MLM).
So, can we really cure disease by merely drinking water?
Well, people say, “For a miracle to happen, first you need to believe in miracles.” Miracles happen every day, so I would say it is possible.
However, scientifically, I don’t think water works that way. You can drink water to stay hydrated and, at best, use it for prevention, not cure.
The reason is simple: I believe that cancer and other degenerative diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease, do not appear suddenly but rather accumulate over time. This accumulation results from bad, unwanted, unnatural factors that build up until your body must react. I believe that a significant part of this issue is the imbalance of pH.
As we know, our body is the best doctor in the world; it automatically heals and adjusts itself. pH influences a significant part of our overall wellness.
pH (potential hydrogen) measures the oxygen level of particular elements, whether liquid or solid. It ranges from 0 to 6.9 as acidic (lacking oxygen/hydroxide), 7 as neutral, and 7.1 to 14 as alkaline (rich in oxygen/hydroxide).
Every part of our body needs oxygen to stay healthy, and each part has a different pH level. Our blood pH must be between 7.34 and 7.45. When your blood pH falls outside this range, your body will automatically readjust it by transferring necessary elements or minerals from other parts of your body.
For example, when your blood pH drops to 7.2 (acidic), your body will extract alkaline minerals such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium from other areas to balance it back to 7.34–7.45. This can lead to problems, such as a deficiency of certain minerals in the areas from which they were extracted.
Cancer is widely believed to be caused by an acidic environment in the body. We know that our cells need oxygen to survive and thrive. When the environment cannot produce enough oxygen (becoming acidic), cells begin to mutate to adapt to that environment. These mutated cells do not function as intended; they grow uncontrollably or damage surrounding tissues, which is what we refer to as cancer.
What Causes Our Body to Become Acidic?
Several factors contribute to making our body acidic:
Lack of aerobic exercise, such as swimming, jogging, or walking
The food and drinks we consume
An unhealthy lifestyle

So, I believe the alkaline water we drink daily can help prevent or reduce acidity in the body, but more than just water is needed for a cure if you are diagnosed with cancer.
Sadly, some salespeople, whether from MLM or not, claim that the water they sell can cure diseases for profit. However, I must admit that some of these individuals genuinely intend to help, while others may blindly believe in the claims made by their companies.
So, the next time someone promotes their product to you, claiming it can cure this or that, and you’re unsure of what to do, just ask them:
Are they qualified doctors who can diagnose and determine what is necessary for a cure?
Can they provide a written guarantee that it can cure with no side effects?
I hope my views provide you with a different perspective on this subject.